Business Networking Kits from Caliber enable you to level up your presence and strengthen business relationships at all the key marketing touchpoints as people get to know, like and trust your brand in an online business networking setting.
Think of those opportunities within networking organizations and networking events to make an impression that you have to get just right:
Your 30-second elevator speech.
Your profile on LinkedIn.
Your call with a colleague.
Your call with a potential strategic partner.
What if you could move forward with the confidence that all of these moments for building trust are covered with superb strategy, messaging and design? Caliber can get business owners like you there, helping you ramp up as much as you need to, with three levels to elevate your business networking presence, even in a world that’s a lot more virtual: Networking Pro, Networking All-Star and Networking Master.
Which tier is right for you?
You don’t have a solid :30 elevator pitch that clarifies what your business is all about in a memorable way or what kind of business professional/company would make the perfect introduction for you. If you can improve this, you better your chances for turning an initial impression into an extended conversation before or after an event as well as a more productive, mutually beneficial follow-up meeting.
This calls for The Talking Logo – a specially crafted and customized elevator speech made just for your unique point of difference – and The Perfect Introduction, an intake session with us that enables you to better direct the fellow business professional you’re meeting with on how to: Spot your ideal client, best communicate what you do, understand your client referral process and even convey what others are saying about you (i.e. testimonials). In these pieces, you’ve already taken a couple of big steps toward distancing yourself from the typical small businesses.
Is your LinkedIn Profile all that it could be? And do people in your networking groups fully understand who you’re looking to meet and all that you have to offer? You can’t help but think that after all this time…they don’t. What can be done to fix this sooner rather than later?
With a more robust optimization of your LinkedIn Profile and a Networking 1-Sheet, you’ll have the perfect piece you need to send before a meeting or as a leave-behind, which features the ideal clients you’re looking for, describes their challenges, provides a snapshot of your services and may even include a testimonial from a client or trusted strategic partner.
associations down the pipeline and building trusted business relationships That includes ramping up your strategic partnerships too.
We’ve been in the business networking game for an awfully long time at Caliber and we know a great many insights on what works well and what works not so well. Which networking groups should you belong to based on your goals? How can you get more out of each meeting, especially the virtual kind? Is there a process that solidifies your strategic partnerships so that you have a real system everyone can get on board with and not just something that falls apart after a month?
What separates the Networking Masters from the rest is the ability to build a strategic partnership platform – we call it The Strategic Partner Playbook. With it, you’ll be able to:
Level up your elevator speech and clarify who you want to meet beyond "anybody"
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Talk to us about one of our Business Networking Kits today
and create the more powerful presence you've always wanted to.